Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My baby boy...is a dog.

 Oh, Hudson....
You gave us a big scare this weekend....
That little boy managed to eat, literally eat, about 10 roach motels. They were left on a table we didn't think he could get to, nor did we think he would want them. None-the-less, he got to them, got them out of the box and plastic wrapper. Then he proceeded to eat and chew them to tiny shreds. This happened in a 1 hour window. I've only felt as panicked as I did when I realized he'd gotten into these roach motels a few times in my life; it was awful. Of course George and I know too much, and had immediately determined he had some kind of anitcholinergic drug overdose and was likely going to die (although this is not really logical thought). The colloquial phrase that we learned in medical school to help remember the symptoms of anticholinergic drug overdose is "Blind as a bat. Mad as a hatter. Red as a beet. Hot as a hare. Dry as a bone." Hudson's eyes were dilated, he seemed really hot, and he was lapping up water. However, his tail was wagging which was little comforting, just a little. George called the vet, who told him to call animal poison control. They were great. George was able to talk directly with a veterinarian, who said the chemical in the traps is similar to that used in flea medicine and is very pest specific. Her biggest concern was the plastic ingestion. (Aside: This animal poison control hotline was awesome, like I said, you talk directly with a vet and in the end they charge you $30. Much cheaper than a trip to the doggy ER if its not needed.) She said to feed him pumpkin and bread which would work as stool bulking agents to get the plastic through, so we did. Hudson loved the pumpkin and bread and all the extra attention. He never seemed phased by any of it. But, he did throw-up the pumpkin and bread all over the house in the middle of the night; I'm pretty sure we gave him waaay too much. He's back to (although he never was affected) his good ole' self. We were definitely shaken up though; he's our baby :)

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